Guest Book for Frances M. (Walker) Masiello

Provided by SALVATORE Rocco & Sons Funeral Homes Inc.

Posted by: Patty McCarthy
Thu June 11, 2015
Auntie Carly
We are very sorry for the loss of your dear mother.  We will keep you in our prayers.  We love you always
Patty, Mark, Brendan and Marcus

Posted by: AJ
Fri June 12, 2015
I am so sorry to read about the loss of Frances and I wanted to extend my  condolences to your family. We are encouraged by the fact that God knows and feels our pain. We are encouraged to "throw our burdens on him and he will sustain us" (Psalm 55:22). Although there are tears of grief today, God promises a joyful tomorrow without death, mourning, pain, tears or sorrow (Revelation 21:4). He also promises a resurrection to life for our loved ones who have died (John 5:28,29). Please visit for more Bible based information and encouragement.