Guest Book for Ellen B. Risteen

Provided by SALVATORE Rocco & Sons Funeral Homes Inc.

Posted by: Janine Keller and Family
Wed December 26, 2012
I was so saddened to hear of your  Mom's passing.  Now you have a Christmas Angel.  I remember meeting your Mom at the Strawberry Festival one year.  She has a wonderful daughter and a legacy to live for years to come in you and Jess, and................... hugs to George and Jessica.

Posted by: Patricia Britton
Fri December 28, 2012
Dearest Danny,
  Please know that both my and Randy's thoughts are with you and your family.  Your Mom was a beautiful and kind person and I see a lot of her in both Ashley and Sarah.  You will have a woderful reminder of her when you see them.  I know they love their Gammie very much.  
Please send our thoughts to Linda, Julie and Joe and again we will keep you in our hearts as we always do.
Pat Britton

Posted by: Julie Anderson Giacchino
Fri December 28, 2012
Julie,and all of the Risteen Family, I am very sorry to hear loss of your Mom.
From all the Andersons and Giacchino Family.

Posted by: John Fitzgerald
Wed January 02, 2013
Danny, Joe, Linda and Julie,

Sorry to hear about the loss of your MOM.  My thoughts and prayers are with your family at this time of sorrow.
John Fitzgerald