Guest Book for Giulia M. Lamberti

Provided by SALVATORE Rocco & Sons Funeral Homes Inc.

Posted by: Patricia (Pesce) Daly
Mon April 25, 2016

Our deepest condolences to you and your family on the loss of Giulia.  Although I personally never met her I heard from several people what a wonderful woman she was.  She will be missed.  May she rest in peace.

Posted by: Theresa Rao
Tue April 26, 2016
Nino, Aldo, Robin, Nicholas & Kaylee,
On behalf of my family, our heartfelt sympathy goes out to you during this time of incredible loss. Although it's difficult today to see beyond the sorrow, know that nothing can ever take away the love that's in your hearts. My family feels blessed to have had their own special moments with Giulia; whether it be exchanging recipes with my mom, attending Mass with Auntie Kay & Aunt Nina or just our little chit chats down the Village. I never got the chance to thank her for how she remembered means the world to me. Giulia gave so much and touched so many in her own subtle way. She will always be honored and deeply missed.
Love and Peace to you in the days to come.
Love, Theresa

Posted by: Tino
Tue April 26, 2016
Per Nino e Aldo
Sono addolorato per la prematura scomparsa della cara cugina Giulia, con il rammarico di non poterla più abbracciare e la speranza che questo messaggio giunga a Lei come un soffio di vento che l'ha accompagnerà in eterno per un dolce riposo. Noi tutti vi siamo fortemente vicini in questo triste e angosciante momento.
Riposa in pace Giulia.
Tino ASCOLI e famiglia

Posted by: Joni Russo
Tue April 26, 2016
I am so sorry for your loss. Giulia was one of the sweetest woman that I have ever known she will be missed.  RIP.

Posted by: Letty Russo
Tue April 26, 2016
I was very sorry to hear of the passing of Giulia.  I would like to extend my sympathy to her family.  I will miss seeing her St. Anthony's Church and I know she loved being there.

Posted by: Famiglia ASCOLI (Italy)
Wed April 27, 2016
Cari Nino Aldo e famiglia
Vi siamo fortemente vicini in questo tragico e triste momento per la perdita prematura della cara e adorata Giulia. Rimarrà sempre viva nei nostri ricordi anche se vissuti lontanamente.
Riposa in pace Giulia ed un abbraccio affettuoso a Voi.
Zia Rosa e i cugini Carmine e famiglia, Maria e famiglia, Emilia e famiglia,  Tina e Famiglia, Rosalba e Famiglia, Tino e Famiglia, Leonardo e Famiglia.

Posted by: ASCOLI Sabatino
Wed April 27, 2016

TABLE BASKET was sent by Famiglia ASCOLI (Italy).

Per la cara Giulia riposa in pace. Zia Rosa e i Cugini Carmine, Maria, Emilia, Tina, Rosalba, Tino e Leonardo.


Posted by: Don Terminiello Jr.
Thu April 28, 2016
Aldo and Neno along with the rest of your family, you have my thoughts and prayers always. Your sister was one of the really nice people. Ill never forget chatting with her on the phone waiting for one of you guys to pick up. She will be missed.

God Bless,