Guest Book for Lawrence H. Smith

Provided by SALVATORE Rocco & Sons Funeral Homes Inc.

Posted by: Tom and Patty Batson
Wed October 10, 2012
We are so sad to hear of Larry''s passing.  We both Loved Larry so much. He was a WONDERFUL part of Tom''s growing up years, and a great part of our early married years.  He gave us laughter, fun and joy and we will miss him dearly.  He was one of the nicest men on earth...and he laugh will live on in our hearts. We were thrilled to reconnect with him and Lucy after many years and our prayers go out to the family.  Because we are suddenly stricken with colds, we are unable to attend, but please know our hearts ache that we cannot be there with you and for you.  We love you Lucy, Kathleen, Annemarie and Rita.   God be with all of you at this time.  Love, Patty and Tom

Posted by: Pat F.
Tue October 30, 2012
Dear Family, My thoughts and prayers go out to your family during this very difficult time. Jesus Christ will soon take away our last enemy, death, and soon we will be able to welcome our loved ones back from death when he resurrects them to enjoy everlasting life on paradise earth. May you continue to draw comfort from the "God of all comfort" (2 Corinthians 1:3).