VEGA-VAGRAMIAN, Aram "Al" Of Everett, on Dec. 2. At 8:45 Friday night Al died peacefully in his sleep only hours after saying his goodbyes to family and closest friends. For 70 years he brought laughter and the love of living into our lives. The lives of Martha, his wife and companion of 40 years, and his children, Al and Diane. His grandchildren, Robin and Stacey and great grandchild Grace. His daughter in law, Elida and his sister Violet Vagramian. He loved all of us and we are better because of him. And for a Jazz legend of 90 playing gigs until a couple of weeks ago, this is quite an accomplishment. A wake service for Al will be held at the Salvatore Rocco and Sons Funeral Home, 331 Main St., EVERETT, on Wednesday, December 7 from 4-9 p.m. Complimentary valet parking on Wednesday at Main Street entrance. "A musical celebration of Al's life" will be heldat Anthony's Restaurant, 105 Canal St., Malden, on Thursday, December 8 commencing at 3 p.m. His burial will be private.