Guest Book for Donald Hollon

Provided by Lindloff-Zimmerman Funeral Home

Posted by: Dan Hollon
Thu October 03, 2013
A brief candle, both ends burning
An endless mile, truck wheels turning
A brother to share the lonesome times
A handshake and a cup of coffee
So say it loud and let it ring
That we are a part of everything
The present, future, and the past
Drive on my brother, your free at last
Brothers to the end

Posted by: Billie
Mon September 08, 2014
To Uncle Donnie

Time goes by, Day by Day
Oh how we miss you, there are no words to say.
Say what we mean and express how we feel
The loss of you is too unreal
We pray for you nightly, and your family still here
They are special to me and I will keep them near
Near to my heart, you'll forever be
A man truly loved, You are FAMILY!!!

Love Always  Pat, Billie, Hayden, and Laiken