Provided by Kendall Funeral Service Inc.
Posted by: Dale & Cheryl Urbanek And Family Tue July 10, 2018 | Clara Drake Family
With heartfelt Sympathy. Your loved one will always be as close as a memory, and the God of all comfort as close as a prayer. Dale & Cheryl Urbanek and family |
Posted by: Kris Whitman and family Wed July 11, 2018 | Dear Drake and Garcia families,
We are sending our love your way and keeping you all in our prayers. We have so many fond memories of Clara, including her abundant laughter and the way she welcomed anyone into her circle, even friends, so we could call her "Grandma Clara." I am so grateful that I got to see her and many of you at her special 100th birthday party. We will all miss her, but I know she's an angel in Heaven keeping an eye on each and every one of you. Over time, through the grief of losing such a special woman, we wish you peace and warm memories of all the good times you shared with Clara. Time heals the pain, but nothing will ever replace the happy memories! With love and hugs, Kris Whitman, Mark and Blake Johnson (Donna's neighbors) |