Guest Book for Albert C. Parulis

Provided by Gubbiotti Funeral Home, LLC.

Posted by: Wayne & Charlene Ludkiewicz
Sun September 15, 2013
Dear friends,
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Just remember to keep your faith and trust in God for strength to accept what he has done.
LOVE & PEACE always

Posted by: Stacy and David Sadoff
Tue October 08, 2013
Sasha and family,
You are all in our thoughts & prayers through this difficult time.

Posted by: Mercedes and Richard Garcia and family
Tue October 08, 2013
Dear Friends: Albert, Sara and Sasha,
We are one with you in this moment of great loss that touches your lives like no is our human experience here.... the hardest of all.... and yet I know profoundly that Love never dies and our relationship with our loved ones does continue, although in new and different ways.  May you know that  our hearts and prayers are with you . I wish we  had met Albert Sr, such a wonderful soul and such a great  husband, father, and grandfather.
May All Love surround him and the purest Light guide his way Home...
Loving you,
Mercedes, Richard, Dania and Christina Garcia  (Las Sardinas)