Guest Book for Helen G. (Klemchick) Pesta

Provided by Gubbiotti Funeral Home, LLC.

Posted by: Peter, Christina, and Jessica Kendzor
Thu September 27, 2012
Leonard and John,

Please accept our condolences. I'll always remember those fun times we had visiting you in Exeter on Sundays.

Peter Kendzor (Tina & Jess)

Posted by: Diane Molnar
Thu September 27, 2012
Dear Michele and John I am sorry for your loss during this difficult tome I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Posted by: Liz Decker
Thu September 27, 2012
John, Lenny, and Family,

We were very sorry to hear about Baci''s passing. She was a very special lady and we feel blessed to have known her. So sorry for you loss. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.

Love, Liz and Abby

Posted by: Barbara Gilotti
Fri September 28, 2012

Sorry to read about your grandmother.


Barb Gilotti and Jack Exter

Posted by: Jacki Mehelchick
Tue October 02, 2012
Dear John, Leonard & families,
I am so sorry for your loss. I didnt know that your mom passed.
She was a great lady.
She will be missed.
Jacki Mehelchick

Posted by: Michael and Joan Mesaris
Wed October 03, 2012
Dear Michele and John,
Thinking of you with sympathy. We hope the good times you shared will bring comfort to you.         Mike and Joan

Posted by: John and Gloria (Pesta) Milko and Mary Ann (Pesta) Bell
Fri October 05, 2012
Heartfelt condolences.