Guest Book for Gary A. Hnyla, Jr.

Provided by Gregory J. Gonce Funeral Home, P.A.

Posted by: Anne Arundel County Retired Fire Fighters Assoc.
Sat January 21, 2012
The members of the Anne Arundel County Retired Fire Fighters send
their Deepest Sympathy to Gary Sr. and the Hnyla family.

Posted by: Claire Daley Miller
Sat January 21, 2012
Dearest Gary and Mary and family,

I am so very taken by the loss of your son Gary, Jr.  There are no proper words that would even come close to touching your pain.  So with that, I will say that I love and care for you all deeply and I pray that he is with your parents and well again.  My prayers will be for some healing along the way for you and that Gary will never be forgotten by those that had the pleasure and joy of knowing him.
With blessings,
Claire and family

Posted by: Anthony Watt
Sat January 21, 2012
Gary was a good co worker and a great friend. I was shocked of his passing. I am so sorry for your loss. The world has lost a great soul. His family will be in my prayers and he will be much missed.

Posted by: Pete Bielski
Mon January 23, 2012
Donna and all,

So sorry to hear of your loss. I can't imagine the shock and pain that you must be feeling. Please have the trust and faith that heaven is not on earth and that your brother has found a peaceful new home. Remember him fondly and live in his honor.



Posted by: Delores Allen
Wed January 25, 2012
Please accept my heartfelt sympathies in the loss of your dear loved one. How comforting in knowing Almighty God has not only the power but also the desire to resurrect our loved ones. Jesus himself said: "Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out." John 5:28,29

Posted by: Michael Ashburn
Thu January 26, 2012
So sorry to hear about the loss of Gary.  Sending my heartfelt prayers and condolences.  I wish I heard about this sooner so I could have attended the funeral services.  Your family is in my prayers at this difficult time.

Posted by: Michael Acton
Fri January 27, 2012
It is always heartbreaking when someone passes at such a young age.  Gary
Gary will always be remembered by me as a good worker but a
better friend.  He will be missed.  My heartfelt condolences to your
entire family.

Posted by: Pat and Wayne Morris
Mon February 13, 2012
Mary, Gary, Kim and Donna,

Sorry to hear about Gary..  What a shock.. You will be in our prayers..

    Take care,  Pat and Wayne