Provided by Gregory J. Gonce Funeral Home, P.A.
Posted by: Kevin Boz LeBeau - Road Demons MC Mass Mon January 05, 2015 | To the entire family: May the Creator be with you during this most difficult time in your life. May God hold you and your family in his hands as Chad starts his new life.
Love and Respect - Kevin RDMC PRAYER OF ST. FRANCIS OF THE ASSISI Lord make me an instrument of your peace Where there is hatred, Let me sow love; Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light; And where there is sadness, Joy. O Divine Master grant that I may Not so much seek to be consoled As to console; To be understood, As to understand; To be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive, It is in pardoning that we are pardoned. And it is in dying that we are Born to eternal life. |
Posted by: Jackie Hatleberg Tue January 06, 2015 | Gentle Expressions was sent by Jackie, Sierra, Brianna (Hatleberg). In loving memory of our Daddy. We love you to the sky and Back! |
Posted by: Shelly Wed January 07, 2015 | Jackie, Sierra, Brianna, Heidi, Donovan and all others who knew and loved Chad - my prayers and thoughts are with you know as you grieve the loss of your beloved Chad. He will be greatly missed by many and my heart especially goes to his girls who are so young and did not get to spend enough time with their daddy. I pray that his memory lives on in them and that they know how much he loved them. Wishing we could be there with you now to love and support you in person, but know that we are there in heart and love you all very much! God bless and may God bring you peace in this difficult time. |
Posted by: The Mack Family Wed January 07, 2015 | Chad, what can we say... You had a light about you that we will truly miss. A smile accompanied you where ever you went. And you made the most of every moment. You were a good friend, a great father and a kind heart. Thank you for being a part of our lives. See you in the Spirit World. ~ Love, the Macks |
Posted by: BALTIMORE PHOENIX MC CHUMLEY Thu January 08, 2015 | To Chad - HOLE SHOT Family -The Baltimore Phoenix Motorcycle Club would like to say we r so sorry for your lose - to Chade Hole Shot wife Jackie Baltimore Hatleberg and his two little girls Sierra Kathryn, age 4, and Brianna Grace, age 2; we r again so sorry for your lost - Words can not describe how we all R feeling at the lost of our Brother Hole Shot . He got his Nick Name at one of Phoenix MC events during a contest where member can see who could do the best burn out on a A Harley . Hole Shot made a name for himself at that event . He was a good brother to a lot of us in the Phoenix MC. We will miss you Bro - HOLE SHOT We will meet again in Harley Heaven my Brother - BALTIMORE PHOENIX MOTORCYCLE CLUB PRESIDENT CHUMLEY.