Guest Book for Paul Alfred Meluh

Provided by Gregory J. Gonce Funeral Home, P.A.

Posted by: Pamela Meluh
Tue March 06, 2012
Dear Paula - Sending my love and support to you at this sad time.  Uncle Paul was always a heroic and important presence in my life because of his heroism in WWII, and more importantly, because of the love and respect my own father accorded him.  I am so proud to have known him and I will miss him very much.  With deepest sympathy - Pam

Posted by: Roy Tarbutton
Tue March 06, 2012
As a former officer in the Stoney Creek Fishing & Hunting Club I have known Paul for at least 15 years. When he drove at night he attended almost all of the club meetings and we used to kibitz frequently. Paul was a real gentleman and will be missed by the club members.

My condolances to his daughter and her family.

Posted by: Cathy Pfeiffer
Thu March 08, 2012
Paula, I am so sorry to hear about your dad. I remember him as one of the nicest people I have ever met. He would do anything for you and never seemed to get angry.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Cathy (Millsap) Pfeiffer