Guest Book for Dee (Elbert) Prindle

Provided by Whitaker-Eads Funeral Home

Posted by: Karen Carper
Mon March 30, 2015
I'm thinking of all of you even though I won't be able to come for the funeral.  I'll never forget my Aunt Dee and Uncle Tom.  I hope they are together again. I hope to see you all soon. Love you guys.   Karen

Posted by: Terri gooch
Mon March 30, 2015
Your family is in my thoughts and prayers. God be with you.

Posted by: Jerry, Carolyn, Chad and Rachel Huston
Mon March 30, 2015
Dee was always full of energy, loved living her life and enjoying her family.  I shall miss her as I remember the days when she and Tom lived in Jamesport.  Dee was in the hospital in 1977 ready to deliver Timmy, I had Chad January 1st.  I'll never forget her that special day, she was bubbly and talking a mile a minute.  In those days 4 women shared a room. Lots of laughs and crying babies.  Missing you already Dee, love Carolyn and the bunch.

Posted by: william prindle
Tue March 31, 2015


Praying for all of you & yours William & Pam Prindle & kids & their families


Posted by: Doug & Joyce Spears
Tue March 31, 2015
Sorry to hear about Dee. Thoughts & Prayers with you all

Posted by: Vernon & Pam Norris
Tue March 31, 2015
Our deepest sympathy to Tommy, Terry, Timmy and their family.  Dee was a good friend who would help anyone she could.  I enjoyed our friendship.

Posted by: David & Kim Gates-Sampson Family
Thu April 02, 2015
So very sorry for your loss.  Dee was a sweet lady and will be missed. Thoughts and prayers. God Bless.

Posted by: Arash Yarpezeshkan
Thu April 02, 2015
Tom, Terry and Tim, My condolences and on the passing of your mom. Although it's been 32 years since we moved from Trenton I never forgot your family or your mom. She was a good neighbor and a good person. May god bless and comfort your family in your time of need.

Posted by: Rhonda Clark(Moore)
Fri April 03, 2015
It is with a sad heart that I send you this message.  Dee and I had so much fun bowling together on the same team so many years ago.   You boys meant the world to her and she was so proud of you all.   I will pray for your healing at this sad time..  God bless and keep you all.