Guest Book for Joan (Miller) Bennett

Provided by Whitaker-Eads Funeral Home

Posted by: Kathy Hoffman
Sun January 26, 2014
Dear Evelyn, Tanya and the entire Family:
I met Joan many years ago and was honored to know her.  She was the most beautiful lady inside and out.  I have thought of her pleasant disposition and her kind nature many times.  I am sorry for her loss here on this earth as she was a blessing to many.  Please know that my prayers are and will continue to be with each of you.  I can't wait to see her smiling face in Heaven someday and give her a big hug!  May God give each of you comfort as  you carry on without her here on this earth.  God love you all and keep close to Him and He will carry you through.  Love you Joan!!  Kathy Hoffman and family