Guest Book for Rodney Michael Neff

Provided by Whitaker-Eads Funeral Home

Posted by: Mary Ritko
Tue April 19, 2011
I would like you to know how sorry I am about the lost of Rodney.  He was truly a wonder person and a life long friend of my deceased husband, Michael Ritko.  Now let me tell you, Rodney and Michael had the stories to tell about their times together. Some we can talk about and maybe some we need to keep to ourselves. I was just thinking about Rodney the other day wondering if he had found any mushroom yet.  You are right, Rodney always came by and saw Michael when he came home for a visit. He was a wonderful and true FRIEND.

Will miss Rodney and that great laugh of his.  I know he is with David and Michael up there having a great time making new stories together.

Thinking of you at this very sad time of your life.

Mary Ritko

Posted by: Lou Verellen
Tue April 19, 2011
Rodney''s influence reached far and wide, even as his heart''s home was in the Green Hills of Missouri, he made and kept friends wherever he went. We got to know him in Chelan Washington where his parents lived, many of us in this town enjoyed the light and laughter he brought (and left behind) whenever he visited.  It is my intention to live the rest of my life with the love and joy he brought to it.
I can hear the sound of his bike as he roars off to his life''s reward. Go fast.
With love and condolences to his family,
Lou and his Chelan friends.

Posted by: Marilyn (Scott) Ahring
Tue April 19, 2011
To Doris and the family of Rodney Neff:

Doris, I am so sorry to hear about Rodney.  Thanks you for being with him to the end.  I hope to meet you someday!

My sister and I went to school with Rodney and remember how great of a guy he was.

While still at Humphreys school each class was to put on a skit for the whole  
school to watch.  I was to introduce the skit before the curtains were opened.  Little did I know, Rodney was to come out and put his arms around me and kiss me.  Well he did and my face turned very red and I could not finish my introduction.

He was the type of guy when anyone was talking to him, they had his whole attention.

We are going to miss him!

From a school mate:

Marilyn (Scott) Ahring


Posted by: Linda Snyder
Tue April 19, 2011
I never got the chance to know  Rod, but I know how much you cared for each other.  I am so very sorry for your loss, and for the fact that you had so little time together.  At least you made the most of the time you had.  I wish I could  be there with you,but I''m so thankful that Brenda is there to help you get through this.  Remember you''re not alone.  I love you.

                                                                                                                                          your sister, Linda

Posted by: Linda Snyder
Tue April 19, 2011
I never got the chance to know  Rod, but I know how much you cared for each other.  I am so very sorry for your loss, and for the fact that you had so little time together.  At least you made the most of the time you had.  I wish I could  be there with you,but I''''''''m so thankful that Brenda is there to help you get through this.  Remember you''''''''re not alone.  I love you.

                                                                                                                                          your sister, Linda

Posted by: Kimberly Burk
Fri April 22, 2011
I haven''t had the pleasure of meeting you, but my friend Martha Jackson who is the best judge of people that I know says you are a fabulous person who took wonderful care of Rodney. My family moved from Humphreys to Texas in 1975, but we never lost our affection for the Neff family. I graduated with Kenny in 1974. My parents played cards with Rodney''s parents and they were in the Galt Saddle Club together. The obituary was beautifully written, and a friend e-mailed to tell me that the service on Thursday was perfect, especially what Ricky had to say. Someone told me you are from Oklahoma. I moved to Oklahoma nine years ago and love it here. Maybe we will meet someday!
Kimberly Rogers Burk, Edmond, Oklahoma