Provided by Whitaker-Eads Funeral Home
Posted by: Alan and Linda Privitt Sat June 10, 2017 | Extending our heart felt sympathy to Viriginia, Rob and family. Debbie will be greatly missed by all that knew her. |
Posted by: Peggy Robinson Sat June 10, 2017 | Our sincere sympathy to the family. Debbie was beautiful inside and out and her excitement in the team roping world will be greatly missed.
Robert/Peggy Robinson |
Posted by: John and Jackie Miller Sun June 11, 2017 | Our condolences to all the family. Debbie was very special and the kindest person I knew. May her blessed and caring life be a lesson to us all. |
Posted by: David and Sharon Mlika Sun June 11, 2017 | A very special lady who will be sadly missed. |
Posted by: Earl & Betty Plotner Tue June 13, 2017 | Dear Mrs. Robinson, Ashley & Rod,
Our very deepest sympathy to you for your precious Daughter, Aunt & Sister. Debbie attended Northside Christian Church a few years before she & Ashley moved "back home", definitely where her heart was! Debbie-- a beautiful Christian, always so happy telling me about when she & Ashley would be going home, or when Mom was coming to KC or where Rod was going to be roping next! We always looked forward to seeing her & Ashley at NCC when they stayed in town for the weekend, which wasn't too often! Her life was filled with Love for all your family and we were happy she was able to be back with you all, but missed seeing her & Ashley! We always talked about getting together to play board games and I wanted to meet you, Mrs. Robinson-she loved for you to come to KC! We also wanted hear more about Rod's roping, especially since we have a 10 year old friend who is involved in PBR in steer-riding! And I so regret us not getting together. Mrs. Robinson we have also returned a child to God, there is no pain equal, but we have the Peace knowing Debbie & Robbie are waiting for us to spend eternity together! And we have so many happy memories that will live on in our hearts forever. Thank you for a Mother's Love that is like no other and for instilling in her a strong Christian faith that will always be an inspiration to all who has ever known her! Ashley, your Aunt Debbie loved you so very much and was so proud of you-she beamed when she talked about you! You were the "apple of her eye" for sure! I regret we never were able to get together for a game of Sequence or dominoes! Rob, she was always so excited to share news of your latest roping circuit and anxious to follow you wherever you went! She was your most dedicated fan for sure & loved you! Asking God to wrap His arms around each and everyone in your Family in these coming days. Thank you for sharing Debbie with us & God Bless. Earl & Betty Plotner |