Guest Book for Inis (Rowoth) Lynch

Provided by Whitaker-Eads Funeral Home

Posted by: Steve Brown
Fri February 06, 2015

RAYS  OF SUMMER SUNSHINE was sent by National FFA Board of Directors.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Love National FFA Board of Directors


Posted by: Rhonda (Troxel) Johnson
Sat February 07, 2015
Inis was a sweetheart and a "second" mom during my younger educational years. Always a giving lady.  She'll be missed.  Condolences to all the family.

Posted by: Jean R Gaes
Sun February 08, 2015

TROPICAL DISH GARDEN WITH FRESH FLOWERS was sent by Jeff, Lynn, Chris, Dan, Al, Jean, Gerry, Rachel, Adam, Mother Sacred Heart (Ruth).

Dear Family, Sending our prayers, love, and sympathy to everyone. Wish we could all be there too! We loved your mom who was always so kind and so real! Even when Olin was ill and we came to stay with your folks they were the soul of joy and patience. All of us draw inspiration from their lives. Hugs from us all: Jeff and Lynn, Chris & Dan; Al; Jean and Jerry; Rachel and Adam, Noah, Ali, & Jude; Mother Sacred Heart


Posted by: Jim Carver
Mon February 09, 2015
To all of the Lynch family, my sincere sympathy in your loss.  Inis and Lewis are home together!  I know their final years were hard, but what a gift you all had for parents!  The best!  I loved them too!  

Inis and Lewis were best friends of my parents.  Inis was my mother's trusted and valued colleague for many years.  They loved to teach together and they loved their mutual friendship throughout the summer months, laughing and sharing times of school, raising their children and what not.  My parents loved to visit Inis & Lewis on the farm, and hosting them at our house.  They loved to listen to music together.  As a child I have many memories on their farm, I remember my brother bucking hay bales in their fields making some money and muscling up for football for the next fall season.  Rhonda is my classmate forever!  Memories!  Mother and Inis had a special bond - and I will always hold Inis and Lewis a special place in my heart!

Posted by: Evelyn Trickel
Mon February 09, 2015
You know, it was a blessing for this little old lady to visit with the Lynch children this afternoon.  

Let's see. . .Inis Rowoth and I go back some 65 or so years.  Inis  was a freshman in Trenton Junior College, my sister, Mary Louise
Goodrich was a senior at Trenton Senior High and I a was a lowly sophomore in the old Trenton High School building on Ninth
Street.  Seems Inis and I were in the same PE class at times (all students shared the gym).  Volley ball was fun but basketball was something else.  Once a fellow student had a badly bruised hand and, when I asked about it, she replied, "You stepped on it."  Maybe
I should have played football (I really wanted to, but that was unheard of at that time). Her brother Paul and I were good friends for years.  

It was good to visit with you today; each have become successful in your chosen field, and both parents have had reason to be
pleased with your accomplishments.  Of course, I was and will always be a pusher for education and appreciate others who share
that profession.

Randall, the years spent at TJC as ABE/GED director/instructor were good because it was good to see those who where considered
losers by others often proved that they could earn a High School Equivalency Diploma and go on to college.  Once at a meeting of local
educators I was asked about the difference between the ABE/GED certificate and a high school diploma to which I replied that one
had to be able to read to earn a High School Equivalency Certificate but that wasn't always true with a high school diploma. True, but
it certainly didn't win friends and influence people among those at the meeting.  And Congratulations! on earning your Masters  

Rhonda, Bev and Linda your interest in education must have been fulfilling to your mother. With the government trying to mess with
the educational system values (core curriculum?), more parents may to resort to home schooling because good teachers may become
hard to find.  Home schooling was not for this family; in fact, the lives of a couple of them might have been in danger had that been the only option available.

Enough of this.  You all need to know that it has been a pleasure to have known your mother and family, and she will be missed by all

Love and prayers

Evelyn (mom) Trickel

Posted by: Nancy Hanks
Mon February 09, 2015
My thought and prayers go out to the entire family.  I have very fond memories of times at Honey Creek and at the Lynch home.  She was a wonderful lady and will be miss by so many who knew her.

Posted by: Ruth Rowoth Gaes
Sat February 14, 2015
Dear All,

I just wanted to write to assure you of my prayers.  I have wonderful memories of Uncle Lewis and Aunt Inis!   In gratitude to God for such a beautiful testimony of kindness and joy.

God Bless, Mother Mary of the Sacred Heart (Jean's daughter)