Guest Book for Betty (Buckland) Crow

Provided by Whitaker-Eads Funeral Home

Posted by: Audrey (Ashler) Howardq
Tue August 14, 2012
Rick and Randy, children and grandchildren, I am so sorry for your loss.  I knew your mother because your dad was was in the army with Clarence Ashler and we used to come to Trenton to visit both of them.  This was before you were born.  Clarence and I are divorced many years ago and I have moved around alot. Settled back in St Hoseph and saw the obit for your dad.  I just found out yesterday that Clarence Ashler came to the funeral for your dad.   You were blessed with great parents.  Your mother and I used to sit and talk alot and wow was she a good cook when we came to Trenton.  She had moved from where they used to live didn''t she?   Again accept my sincere sympathy for your loss.      May God Bless your whole family.            Audrey Howard

Posted by: Anna Lou Martin
Tue August 14, 2012
Rick, Randy and other family members, my deepest sympathy goes out to you in your loss.  I, too, am greiving at the loss of my close friend since we shared so many good times together during high school.  I was so glad to be invited and share her 80th birthday.  I just couldn''''t bear to come up for the funeral as I wanted to remember her the way I saw her last.