Guest Book for Nancy (Hammons) Ellis

Provided by Whitaker-Eads Funeral Home

Posted by: Bill Clark
Fri November 04, 2011
I was so sorry to learn of Nancy's passing and know that many knew her as a teacher, community leader, instructor and friend.  A remarkable lady and a remarkable life.  

Our Thoughts and prayers are with the whole family at this time.  

May you receive comfort from her many friends and the wonderful memories shared during these days where you are gathered together

Kind regards from a former Trenton resident,

Bill and Jean Clark


Posted by: Alan and Diana Scott
Thu November 10, 2011

One of our greatest blessings is to how a wonderful Mother, and I know how proud Nancy was of all of you.

She will always be a part of my childhood image of those cold summer mornings and the Red Cross Swimming program.  As a student and later a class instructor, she was a joy to work with.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Alan and Diana Scott

Posted by: Brenda (Girratono) Owings
Fri November 11, 2011
Just want to let the family know....Especially David, how sorry I am to hear of Nancy's passing.  

I remember taking the swim lessons and life saving classes with Nancy as well as my daughters who also went through the program.  My youngest, Jennifer, was in "Miss Nancy's" Busy Bee class as well.  I have a lot of fond memories of Nancy from my childhood as well as my children's childhood days.  

She has touched and been a part of so many peoples lives for so long, I know she will be missed and remembered throughout several generations.  The ones we love are never truly gone as long as we keep our love for them and their memories alive in our hearts.

My thoughts and prayers are with you all.