Guest Book for Robert "Bob" McVay

Provided by Whitaker-Eads Funeral Home

Posted by: Jerry and Shirley Spickard Curley
Thu March 16, 2017
Our deepest sympathy to Barbara and Graham in your loss.  Robert was always friendly and a great asset to the Trenton community,  whether farming or helping others in the area.  May God be with you and your family during this time of sorrow.

Posted by: Marian Bratzler, Linda, Josh, and Tara
Mon March 20, 2017
The loss of someone dear to us is never easy. We will cherish the good memories we have of Bob and try to bring some light during this dark time. Our deepest condolences.

Posted by: Ann Ferguson Fruits
Tue March 21, 2017
I worked for Bob and Barbara when I was in high school.  It was my first job and I helped clean house and babysat for Robert Graham.  Bob and Barbara were so good to me!  I am so sorry to hear that Bob has passed.  I will keep Barbara and Robert in my thoughts and prayers in the days and weeks ahead.  I will always cherish my memories with the McVay family!

Posted by: bob and shirley shieldsr
Mon April 03, 2017
graham:  our prayers go out to you and your family. we are going to miss seeing your fathers happy, smiling face at the ball field and hy vee. love to you and your family, bob and shirley shields