Guest Book for Marilyn Robbins

Provided by Whitaker-Eads Funeral Home

Posted by: Cara Stauffer
Thu June 27, 2013
I'm so sorry for your loss Guy.  She must have been quite a lady.

Posted by: Casey Rutherford
Thu June 27, 2013
Marsha & Randy,

Matt and I are sorry for your loss and wish you peace and strength in this difficult time.  May God be with all of you.

Sincerely, Matt & Casey Rutherford

Posted by: Teresa Jincks
Thu June 27, 2013
Marilyn was a joy to be around.  She loved to talk and she always had a smile.  Music was one of the ways she ministered to people.  She was so excited when the FCC got the pipe organ.  She was playing it before it was installed and plugged in.  She would come to the church and play for hours once it did get installed.   It was a joy to listen to her play the organ.  She was a blessed Christian.
Teresa Jincks

Posted by: Laura Poole
Thu June 27, 2013
A bright light has left us here and is now Home.  
Blessings of comfort to all of her beloved family.  
She will be dearly missed and fondly remembered.
With sincere sympathy & love,
Laura Poole, Grinnell, Iowa

Posted by: Chaplain Garry Jones
Thu June 27, 2013
I greatly enjoyed the visits with Mrs. Robbins.  She showed such grace and beauty.  I am glad to know that she loved Jesus so much, she truly understood that God is good to us all the time.  

She will be greatly missed.  I am glad that she has been reunited with her beloved Bill.

Posted by: Jackie Clark-Otto
Thu June 27, 2013
So sorry to get the news of your Moms passing. I received a lovely note from her recently. She was a special and very talented woman.. She was always present at so many important occasions at the church. My baptism, wedding and the service for Chet and Ruth. Marilyn was always willing to share her gift.
     I regret so much that I will not be present at her service. I am meeting Travis girls at airport and getting them to Kanakuk this weekend. Please know I will be there in spirit.  Prayers to all Jackie

Posted by: Linda Armstrong
Thu June 27, 2013
Guy, Jacob, Meredith and Gary:  You have my sympathy in the loss of your grandmother, mother and mother-in-law.  It is hard to let go, but that is exactly what we are born to do.  Thank Jesus, you will see her again!

Posted by: Bill Clark
Fri June 28, 2013
Meredith, Gary, Marsha, Randy and the whole family,

Our thoughts and prayers are with you as your say goodbye to a very special and wonderful woman.  She lived her life and faith well.  Her life was one filled with music and love while she enriched the lives of all she knew and touched.  I do not know anyone who knew her who didn't love her, respect her and appreciate her.  We have all be enriched by out time in her company and her music in our lives.  We will all miss her and our prayers are with each of you.

Bill Clark

Posted by: Cathy Oesterling
Fri June 28, 2013
To family members of Marilyn's,

'She was a class act'  Marilyn's life must be celebrated!  Sorry I am unable to be there to share this time with you.  She touched the lives of many in her own very special way.  I was saddened to hear of her passing but joyful to know she is in 'good hands'.  My thoughts are with each of you.  God Bless.

Posted by: E Allen Kohler
Fri June 28, 2013
My most sincere sympathy to the family. I was Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Missouri in 1976-1977 and I remember Marilyn and her wonderful piano music and our Grand Sessions.  It was always a pleasure to see her and her husband Bill. I know Marily will be greatly missed.

E. Allen Kohler

Posted by: Donna Hammer
Sat June 29, 2013
Meredith and Gary,

So sorry to hear about Marilyn. What a beautiful lady inside and out. She always just exuded happiness and what an extremely talented musician. Oh that others could have the positive outlook on life that she had. I will miss she and your Dad at gatherings at Trenton when I am there.

Posted by: Bruce & Golda Beals
Sat June 29, 2013
Very sorry for your loss.  Thanks for keeping in touch.

Posted by: Paul S. Fraser
Sat July 06, 2013
Dear Meredith, Gary, Marsha, Randy, Guy, Jacob, Eran, Alex and all of Marilyn's wonderful family,

I cannot express in these few words all that Marilyn meant to me. Though I served as her Pastor for less than two years, her love, her faithfulness, her "joie de vivre," and her graciousness in the face of adversity, grief and loss will remain with me for the rest of my life. Consider yourselves blessed to have had her for a Mom, mother-in-law, grandmother and friend. And now there is a great reunion in heaven. Love never ends.

Grace and peace!  Pastor Paul

Posted by: Linda Benner
Mon July 08, 2013
To Meredith, Gary, Marsha, Randy and to all your children and grandchildren,

News traveled slowly to the mountains of Colorado, where John and I have been vacationing. It is hard to imagine that Marilyn has left us; she was a real life-force to the end. I am so sorry for your loss, and I join you in being grateful that I knew her.
   Marilyn and Bill were lovely role models for as long as I can remember. Marilyn was as feminine as a rose, but under the well-tailored pink and pearls was a toughness in adversity that I came to count on. She was there, with her wonderful musicianship and professionalism in some of my happiest and
darkest hours. She played for our wedding, perfectly quaffed, in the midst of a wild December snow storm. It was Marilyn who created an arrangement of the Mizzou Fight Song that that was so dignified that no one raised an eye-brow when it drifted through the music for my dad's funeral. Only she nd I shared that smile!
   "Marilyn" means music, but also a deep faith and optimism. Her talents were many,her standards were high for herself and for those she loved, and I could not be around her without wanting to be my best.
     After reading the account of her many accomplishments, I am reminded of a sage's quote: "It is not dying we need fear, it's never having lived in the first place."  No worries, Marilyn.    

My condolences and my love to you all, Linda Benner